
Our partners recognise that many of the challenges we face will not be addressed by maintaining the status quo and there is a need to challenge ourselves and our markets to deliver new products and ways of working which can help us to:

• Reduce carbon.
• Increase Community Benefits and Social Value delivery.
• Deliver better outcomes.
• Maintain or reduce cost to support the budget position.
• Improve services.

This means we need to plan better, challenge what we have always done, engage markets early, seek good practice from across the public, third and private sector and use the procurement process as means to drive the market to offer solutions which address specific problems, challenges, and outcomes.

We aim to support this by:

• Challenging existing procurement arrangements and delivery models and seeking relevant examples of market innovations and best practice.
• Encouraging outcome / problem-based procurement approach to stimulate creative and innovative solutions and engaging early with markets.
• Collaborating with Welsh Government, the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA), Cardiff Capital Region and other public sector organisations to drive innovation and greater value and share good practice and develop insight.

Collaborative frameworks

Our frameworks are used on a regional and national basis to deliver buildings and highways construction projects, and to provide technical and professional services.

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The South East & Mid Wales Collaborative Civil Engineering and Highways Construction Framework.

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The South East Wales Technical and Professional Services framework.

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The South East & Mid Wales Collaborative Construction Framework.

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