
The Ardal website host does not capture or store any personal information about individuals who browse the website, except in where you voluntarily choose to give us your personal details via the email addresses on the website. These email addresses will be the only place where this information will be collected. The information provided within those emails will be used for the purpose for which it was collected. We will also monitor any emails sent to us, including file attachments, for viruses or malicious software. Please be aware that you have a responsibility to ensure that any email you send is within the bounds of the law.

Information collected for registering on the website:

On registering for access to the Ardal documentation on the website, Ardal will be stored by the Framework Managers ‘Data Controller’ on Cardiff Council’s secure network. The information collected will be names, email addresses and the initial password given on set up which will need to be changed once logged in for the first time. Disclosure of this information will be in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. This information will only be provided to the Framework Management Team and when no longer required to keep this information, will dispose of it in a secure manner.

Online Key Performance Indicator (KPI) Reporting Tool

As part of signing up to the Framework, Clients and Contractors will be expected to upload their KPI results on to the password protected section of the website. The information collected will be used to form a League table of how the Contractors are performing. The league table will be visible to all Contractors, information issued here will be the Contractors name and their rank on the league table. The information collected to form the rank will only be issued to the Contractors which the information is about. The information will be managed by the Framework Managers and stored on the third party “Data Processor” website. This data will be stored securely and in line with GDPR.

Case Studies

Ardal will issue case studies on the website to provide updates and good practice of the work that is achieved through the Framework. The Framework Management Team will collect data, case studies and testimonials to publicise on the site. The data will be requested by the Framework Team and will not be issued without prior permission from the Contractor/ Client or Individual which it involves. The information issued will not include any personal data.

Social Media

Ardal social media pages do not capture or store any personal information about individuals apart from activity that is collected by the social media host statistics such as impressions, views or engagements. The Framework Management Team will not collect any data from social media unless given permissions from the individual involved beforehand.