
Our partners have a combined annual procurement spend of over £1 billion. It is therefore important that they can demonstrate value for money through all stages of the procurement lifecycle.

Importantly our partners recognise that value for money needs to consider quality and whole life cost in respect of financial and wider environmental, social, economic, and cultural considerations, in particular carbon reduction and community benefits.

We aim to support this by:

• Improving visibility and awareness of where and how money is being spent.

• Embedding value for money and whole life cost considerations into the procurement lifecycle.

• Helping to improve the consistency and application of contract management.

Collaborative frameworks

Our frameworks are used on a regional and national basis to deliver buildings and highways construction projects, and to provide technical and professional services.

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The South East & Mid Wales Collaborative Civil Engineering and Highways Construction Framework.

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The South East Wales Technical and Professional Services framework.

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The South East & Mid Wales Collaborative Construction Framework.

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